Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook

I am once again posting on Tuesday....

Outside My Window...is a beautiful, sunny day!

I am thinking...about packing for our trip to Pa! Also thinking about John and he has many things to accomplish before our trip.

I am thankful for...God's faithfulness to our family..Also His provision for our needs throughout this year!

From the learning rooms..We had a Dr. Tom Wallace to our church for the services this past Sunday and he spoke about stewardship..God's Word emphasizes our responsibility to give to our local church..John and I very much want to be good steward's of what the Lord has blessed us with and also to be a channel through which God can work! We also want to teach Chloe that the Lord is the owner of all that we are given.

From the kitchen...not a lot of action..We are trying to empty the fridge before leaving town, so we will be feasting on leftovers tonight!

I am wearing...comfy clothes..For once not my pajamas!

I am going...to start packing for the trip and organizing everything that needs to go with us.

I am reading...my new Better Homes and Gardens.

I am hoping...Chloe travels well on the trip..Pray with us about that!

I am hearing..Nothing! Chloe is napping!

Around the house...everything is finally in its place from the weekend..I like to have a clean house, so that when we get home everything is neat.

One of my favorite things...family time! Sunday evening we just cozied up on the couch and played with Chloe.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Packing up and traveling to Pa to see family.

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families!

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