Outside My Window...are beautiful, sunny skies..It is much warmer today!
I am thankful for...a day to be at home and get all my housework finished.
From the learning rooms...we (by that I mean Chloe) are learning to obey right away!
From the kitchen...loaded baked potato soup - one of my favorite winter meals.
I am wearing...as always, my pjs.
I am creating...more room in Chloe's bedroom..finally getting her clothes packed up to make room for those she has that still fit and also to make room for the new ones she will receive!
I am going...to spend quality time with my Hubby tonight! Yeah! Chloe is already in bed!
I am reading...haven't had much time for personal reading, but I have been reading to Chloe..She loves to bring us a book and plop down on our laps, actually she just backs up and sits down, it's sooo cute!..We have been concentrating on "Good Night Moon" and her Strawberry Shortcake book..I am glad that she loves books.
I am hoping...that Chloe becomes a better traveling companion very very soon..We are about to embark on that time of year when we spend mucho time in the car!
I am hearing...the television...Too bad there is never anything good to watch.
Around the house...the house is finally clean! After an all-day marathon of cleaning and laundry.
One of my favorite things...Watching Chloe with her first lollipop from the bank... you would have thought I gave her the greatest thing..She only licked it like 3 times..It was more fun to touch and get on her clothes and everything around her.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Errands tomorrow, Wednesday is Baby Bookworms at the Library and Church, Thursday is playgroup and a playdate at the Benders', Friday rest!, Saturday, work for me, visitation for John & Chloe.
Have a great Week!
Have a great Week!
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