Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Church Family Picnic

Getting Some Quick Shut Eye Before the Party
Caleb and Logan

"Nana" and Her Girls

Playing With Friends
Hanging With the Ladies
Having Fun
Hanging With Daddy!

John and Chloe attended our church picnic this past Saturday at the Collins' home...John said she did great and all the families of our church said she had a great time! John got some great pictures! She slept on the way there, so that really helped.


Jennie Bender said...

She is such a cutie! Her hair is getting so long!

Jennie Bender said...

Regarding your comment on my voting excursion--

Chloe is so funny, all personality, that one! =)
That is right, Chloe--

Let's get together, that would be fun! Call me!