Friday, October 31, 2008

Bye Bye Olivia

Our Bathing Beauties :) - July 2008

September 2008
October 2008
Today is a sad and happpy day...Sad, because Olivia and Michelle (and Phillip too!) are moving to Virginia, happy because they are following the Lord to be a part of a wonderful church that is there. We had our last play date on Tuesday..The girls are just getting to a fun age where they interact a little more with each other..I've included pictures from other times together too! We love you and will miss you so very much! Thank you for your friendship, Michelle, you have been such a blessing to me...It's been so fun to share so many of their "firsts" with each other. We will be praying for you!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fall Fun

Having Fun With Mommy

And Fun With DaddyShe Found a Stick/Weed Thing

On The Hayride

We were invited to a fall picnic last weekend...So I thought I would post some pictures...Chloe had a fun time..She even went down the blow up slide with Daddy, but my picture didn't turn out and the line was kind of long to go again..Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Church Family Picnic

Getting Some Quick Shut Eye Before the Party
Caleb and Logan

"Nana" and Her Girls

Playing With Friends
Hanging With the Ladies
Having Fun
Hanging With Daddy!

John and Chloe attended our church picnic this past Saturday at the Collins' home...John said she did great and all the families of our church said she had a great time! John got some great pictures! She slept on the way there, so that really helped.

2008 World Mission Conference

Chloe's Passport
Ready To Go!

She and Auntie Heidi Seeing the Sights

Getting Her Stamps

Having So Much Fun!

Checking Out Her Passport

Riding the Slide With Uncle Trevor

She Did Lots of Sliding

Going to The Jungle!

Chopstick Hair
Eating Rice
A few weeks ago John, Chloe, and I had the opportunity to attend the World Mission Conference Banquet at Temple Baptist Church..It was a great time of fellowship with many friends we have not seen in a few months..We had some time to catch up and share stories about what was going on in all of our lives..John and I are so thankful for the couples that God has placed in our lives. It is such an encouragement to spend time with them.

Chloe and I also had the opportunity to visit the Village set up on the college campus..She had a blast! I don't know why I doubted that she would have a good time..It had everything she looks for in fun: Freedom (the main thing), lots of other children, exciting things to look at and mainly to touch, and a Really fun slide! Thanks to my sister and the Helget girls for helping with Chloe! Thanks to Isabella for helping her to get all of her stamps! Yeah! Thanks to Uncle Trevor for braving the slide with Chloe....Enjoy the personal favorite is her just having a seat to look through the passport. Aunt Heidi said that once she knew that the workers would stamp her book, she was ready to give it to them as soon as she saw the stamper..How do they get so smart?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Mother Goose Play Group

Making a New Friend
Coming Down the Slide

Playing Ball at Play Group

Going Through the Tunnel

A New Friend

Singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" With Grammy

Blowing Bubbles

My parents were in town over the weekend and had the opportunity to take Chloe to her play group on Thursday morning....They had a blast! This was her first time to attend and they said it was wonderful..She got to see a few of the friends she has made from storytime at the library. They did all kinds of neat activities and sent my parents home with a notebook with songs sheets and a CD of the songs they sing and will be singing in the coming weeks..I am looking forward to taking her again this Thursday...She also got to go to the play area at the mall, which is one of her new favorite things to do now that she is a big time walker...Pappy got some pictures of her with a new friend she made that day..Enjoy the pictures!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I Have Been Tagged!

I have been tagged by Jenny

1. I first visited the great state of Tennessee in 2003 for a the Bible Conference at Temple Baptist Church..Had never heard of Powell and certainly had no reason to move here, but the Lord had other plans. While here the Lord really spoke to my heart about moving here and being a part of this wonderful church..So I found a job, convinced my sister to to move, WE packed our bags, and U-Hauled to Knoxville...And the rest is history....The Lord has given us both wonderful, Godly husbands and John and I have beautiful, wonderful Chloe!

2. I am a pharmacist..I did not graduate from a Christian College...I went to Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pa..I did take a year off in the middle of my schooling, because the Lord prompted me to do so...At that time I attended Northland Baptist Bible Colllege in Dunbar, WI..The Lord saved me there and really spoke to me my heart and gave me the desire to marry a pastor..I really wanted to stay, but my parents and I knew that I needed to finish my degree at Duquesne..The Lord gave me a wonderful elderly couple to live with that attended my church there and they became like family to us...Thank the Lord for couples like Heinrich and Bonnie Lohmeyer who were willing to open their home to encourage a young Christian lady.

3. I met my husband, John, in our singles Sunday school class...This is where John's memory gets a little blurry, he remembers ME following him around, that's not exactly how it happened...In all honesty, we became friends and this friendship grew into a beautiful romance that has now become a wonderful marriage! He actually remembered seeing me when I visited for the first time! The Lord has such a wonderful plan for all of our lives if we will just let him lead us! I really want to instill this in Chloe as she grows up in our home.

4. Our first date was a Memorial Day hiking trip to the Smokies along with some other friends. He first told me he loved me at the laundry mat on Merchants Road..He really wanted it to be somewhere romantic, but he just couldn't wait any longer to tell me..Oh, I just love him!

5. We were engaged in New York City on December 11th, 2004...It was a dream of mine, not something I had to have, but it was very sweet and very romantic and we have beautiful pictures to show Chloe when she becomes interested in that sort of thing.

6. My husband and I are currently working at Heritage Baptist Church in LaFollette, TN. Fred Ward is the Pastor and his lovely wife is Rita..We are enjoying it so much and just love the sweet spirit of the people there..Pastor has been such a help and encouragement to us..We have learned so much. We are so thankful to the Lord for Pastor Sexton and Pastor Ward and the influence they have had upon our lives. Also for the wonderful parents the Lord has allowed us to have that have encouraged us to serve the Lord.

7. I love driving a minivan! My husband just recently asked me what my dream car is...I really had no answer...Maybe it is because right now and until all of our children have graduated from those beloved carseats, I am going to be driving my Honda Odyssey, which I absolutely love..So I may have an answer for him when I see the light at the end of the child-rearing tunnel..until then I am content..The van is somewhat growing on my husband, but he does have his truck!

I have tagged:
Please list 7 unique/random things about yourself and then tag 7 other friends..

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Roxie, Elijah, and Benji

Chloe giving Benji a Smooch!

Although we have no pets of our own, we sure do enjoy playing with the dogs and cats of others...Benji is the dog that lives across the street...By the way, Chloe can already say his name (but does not say Ma Ma) and she knows where he lives..Roxie and Elijah are Auntie Heidi and Uncle Trevor's cats...She also loves to spend time with them, they just don't really enjoy her that much. They only posed for the pictures because Heidi was giving them treats. Benji, on the other hand, is kind of indifferent about Chloe..He just puts up with her.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook

I have seen this on some other blogs...I decided to give it a try.

Outside My Window..I can see the deck has an empty place where Chloe's pool resided for the summer months..This reminds me of all the special memories we had and how much she has grown...Now that summer has come to an end, I am looking forward to a beautiful fall here in Tennessee.

I am thinking about... My husband and praying that he has had a profitable day..He had many tasks to accomplish and I am also thinking about my eye, it has been infected for a while and I am still debating about going to the Doctor...Health professionals are the worst at seeking treatment for themselves.

I am thankful beautiful family that the Lord has given me and for the opportunity to have some family time this evening.

From the kitchen...the dinner dishes are calling me, but they can wait..I actually get to have a little time with my Hubby! You can also still smell the Brownies I made for dessert..Yummy!
I am comfy PJ's
I am creating...a new post for my blog
I am bed soon, but I am trying to hang with John as he finishes up some things for work.

I am reading...nothing in particular right now, I just finished "Teacher of Good Things", by Francie Taylor. I really enjoyed her teachings through Titus 2. Chloe and I are really starting to enjoy books together...She loves any that have pop-ups.

I am hoping...that Chloe gets a good night's rest, because we are planning to attend a play-group tomorrow.

I am hearing...the television ( I am watching the Duggar Family, who by the way, are AMAZING! I personally do not believe the Lord has called me to have 18 or more children, but she and her husband do a great job)...They are in Tennessee during this episode and have visited Dollywood and the Dixie Stampede!
Around the house...things are a little cluttered, but it reminds me that my family is home with me:)

One of my favorite watching Chloe greet her Daddy with open uplifted arms at the door when he comes home from work and wait patiently as he finishes taking his shower. Oh, how important fathers are in the home.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: I am working on Thursday and Friday, so I need to get the house in order and prep some food for Thursday evening.

Hope you all have a restful evening with those that you love!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Our Very First Blog!

Fellowshipping at the Concert

Listening To The Music

Making New Friends!

Our Sweet Family!

The "baby" Corn Maze

Our Famous Auntie Heidi (check out the shades!)

Having Fun at the Festival

I'm very excited about this new adventure..So many of our friends have entered the world of blogging and I have wanted to try it for myself for so long now after enjoying their beautiful sites..So here goes..We had a great end to the week, in spite of my eye thing that I have acquired..I don't know exactly where it came from..I am leaning toward the picture place I took Chloe to on Thursday...I think I was working as hard as the photographer to get the child to smile..Anyway, I had my hands on all kinds of stuffed animals, balls, this feather thing..Needless to say, my calling is not professional photography, especially not with children. I was exhausted by the end..I have a new appreciation for pictures that people show me of smiling children, because it does not always magically happen when they are taking the pictures.

Friday, Chloe and I went to the symphony at the Library..Very fun and she did very well..I was very nervous because the door was in such a place that any unexpected meltdowns would make it very difficult to exit without interrupting the show, but thank the Lord she had a great time and enjoyed the show, especially the faster selections..She also made time to meet and greet the other children and parents that attended...My daughter is unusually comfortable with strangers!
We had a chance to go to the Foot Hills Festival on Saturday with Aunt Heidi and it was very fun! They had a lot of fun things for kids and Daddy enjoyed the kettle corn and this chicken on a stick..The girls had corn dogs, Yummy!..Chloe had a blast and really just enjoyed being around the other children and of course, her Auntie Heidi! I just wish it had been more Fall -like..It was very warm, Chloe didn't get to wear her cute little harvest shirt, but she did get to sport her pumpkin barretts! Hope you all had a great weekend!