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1. I first visited the great state of Tennessee in 2003 for a the Bible Conference at Temple Baptist Church..Had never heard of Powell and certainly had no reason to move here, but the Lord had other plans. While here the Lord really spoke to my heart about moving here and being a part of this wonderful church..So I found a job, convinced my sister to to move, WE packed our bags, and U-Hauled to Knoxville...And the rest is history....The Lord has given us both wonderful, Godly husbands and John and I have beautiful, wonderful Chloe!
2. I am a pharmacist..I did not graduate from a Christian College...I went to Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pa..I did take a year off in the middle of my schooling, because the Lord prompted me to do so...At that time I attended Northland Baptist Bible Colllege in Dunbar, WI..The Lord saved me there and really spoke to me my heart and gave me the desire to marry a pastor..I really wanted to stay, but my parents and I knew that I needed to finish my degree at Duquesne..The Lord gave me a wonderful elderly couple to live with that attended my church there and they became like family to us...Thank the Lord for couples like Heinrich and Bonnie Lohmeyer who were willing to open their home to encourage a young Christian lady.
3. I met my husband, John, in our singles Sunday school class...This is where John's memory gets a little blurry, he remembers ME following him around, that's not exactly how it happened...In all honesty, we became friends and this friendship grew into a beautiful romance that has now become a wonderful marriage! He actually remembered seeing me when I visited for the first time! The Lord has such a wonderful plan for all of our lives if we will just let him lead us! I really want to instill this in Chloe as she grows up in our home.
4. Our first date was a Memorial Day hiking trip to the Smokies along with some other friends. He first told me he loved me at the laundry mat on Merchants Road..He really wanted it to be somewhere romantic, but he just couldn't wait any longer to tell me..Oh, I just love him!
5. We were engaged in New York City on December 11th, 2004...It was a dream of mine, not something I had to have, but it was very sweet and very romantic and we have beautiful pictures to show Chloe when she becomes interested in that sort of thing.
6. My husband and I are currently working at Heritage Baptist Church in LaFollette, TN. Fred Ward is the Pastor and his lovely wife is Rita..We are enjoying it so much and just love the sweet spirit of the people there..Pastor has been such a help and encouragement to us..We have learned so much. We are so thankful to the Lord for Pastor Sexton and Pastor Ward and the influence they have had upon our lives. Also for the wonderful parents the Lord has allowed us to have that have encouraged us to serve the Lord.
7. I love driving a minivan! My husband just recently asked me what my dream car is...I really had no answer...Maybe it is because right now and until all of our children have graduated from those beloved carseats, I am going to be driving my Honda Odyssey, which I absolutely love..So I may have an answer for him when I see the light at the end of the child-rearing tunnel..until then I am content..The van is somewhat growing on my husband, but he does have his truck!
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JulieChristaAmyKellyAnnaJulieAprilPlease list 7 unique/random things about yourself and then tag 7 other friends..