The Bounce House!
Wrestling With Daddy...Her favorite Pasttime!

May definitely got away from us this year...We have a sweet baby that is with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and we are praying that the Lord will give us another child to rear here on earth for His honor and glory in His sweet timing....The Lord has been very gracious to us and Heaven has become much sweeter in these past days....I had a bittersweet Mother's Day this year, but the Lord was very good to me and blessed me with a wonderful day with my wonderful husband and sweet Chloe Abigail..We also had Pappy and Grammy visiting and got have lunch with them on Sunday at Auntie Heidi and Uncle Trevor's house....Also went to the Bounce House with the Dampf's' for Chloe's very first time and she LOVED it...Taking Daddy next time...I was the one hauling her up the huge slide each time! Chloe also had her first haircut this month by our sweet friend April Lindsay..She gave us the royal treatment by coming to the house and Chloe did great..You will notice I did bribe her with some Smarties, but who cares??..It worked and she sat still and her was cut evenly..Hope all my favorite Mommies and Mommies-To-Be had a wonderful Mother's Day too!
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